TIP 1: Dock the panels into Original Position in Visual Studio 2019
Hello, my dear readers first of all thanks for reaching here. You can find this article either through google or any search engine or through any social media.
The intention of creating this article or even upcoming articles is to be more productive in your day to day work.
Now, Let's dive into our first tip in Visual Studio IDE. As per the article, The title describes how to dock the panels into an original position.
When we open a Visual Studio 2019/Earlier versions, We see a lot of panels around in our visual studio. Ex: Solution Explorer, Properties, Output, Error Window and many more…
By mistake or intentionally we moved the panel from the original position into a different position then here our article concludes.
As we all know for every problem there will be a lot of solutions but picking the right solutions is the best way to save and improve your time and it gives outcome as efficient.
Here the tip for this problem is :
Step 1: First click on the panel
Step 2: Hold the CTRL button
Step 3: Double click either use a mouse button or touchpad from a laptop.
If you follow the above steps it resets/moves to the original position. Here this tip is concluded and expecting you learnt something from this article.
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— Happy Coding : )