Step-by-Step Guide to .NET Core Development: Essential Commands for Beginners

Nuthan Murarysetty
3 min readJul 5, 2023


Created using Canva Team

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential commands in .NET Core development that every beginner should know. From creating solution and project files to publishing your application, we’ll cover each command along with examples to help you get started with your .NET Core projects.

Command 1: dotnet new sln

This command is used to create a new solution file. A solution file is a container that can hold multiple projects. For example, to create a new solution named "AzureApp.Demos,"

Simply Run:

dotnet new sln -n AzureApp.Demos

Command 2: dotnet new <Project>

This command allows you to create a new project or file. It's commonly used to create different types of projects such as console applications, web applications, class libraries, and test projects. For instance, to create a new console application named "AzureServices.Console,"

Simply Run:

dotnet new console -n AzureServices.Console

Command 3: dotnet add <Package>/<references>

With this command, you can add references and Nuget packages to projects within your solution. It helps manage dependencies. To add a reference to projects,

Simply Run:

dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json
dotnet add reference Path/To/Project.csproj

Command 4: dotnet remove <Package>/<references>

This command allows you to remove references from a project. To remove a reference,

Simply run:

dotnet remove reference Path/To/Project.csproj

Command 5: dotnet restore

This command restores the dependencies of a project by downloading the required packages from NuGet. It ensures that your project has all the necessary packages to build and run correctly.

Simply run:

dotnet restore

Command 6: dotnet clean

This command removes the build artifacts, cleaning the output of a build. This command is useful when you want to start fresh and ensure a clean build.

Simply Run:

dotnet clean

Command 7: dotnet build

This command compiles your project and its dependencies. It generates the output binaries necessary for running your application. To build your project,

Simply Run:

dotnet build

Command 8: dotnet test

With this command, you can run the unit tests in your project. It executes all the test methods and provides feedback on the results.

To run the tests, use:

dotnet test

Command 9: dotnet run

This command executes a .NET Core application. It's commonly used during development to quickly test and run your code. To run your application,

Simply Run:

dotnet run

Command 10: dotnet watch run

This command automatically rebuilds and restarts your application whenever changes are detected in your code. It's helpful for a faster development cycle.

Simply Run:

dotnet watch run

Command 11: dotnet ef

It’s an Entity Framework Core command-line tool for database operations. It allows you to create, manage, and apply migrations to your database. For example, to create a migration,

Simply Run:

dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName

Command 12: dotnet migrate

This command applies pending migrations to your database. It updates the database schema to match the latest migration. To apply migrations,

Simply Run:

dotnet ef database update

Command 13: dotnet pack

This command creates a NuGet package from your project. It packages your code into a reusable format that can be shared and consumed by others.

Simply Run:

dotnet pack

Command 14: dotnet publish

This command publishes your application for deployment. It generates the necessary files and configurations to deploy your application to a target environment. To publish your application,

Simply Run:

dotnet publish -c Release -o PublishOutput

Command 15: dotnet tool

This command helps manage .NET Core CLI tools. It allows you to install, update, and uninstall tools that enhance your development workflow. For example, to install a tool,

Simply Run:

dotnet tool install ToolName

I hope this article provided you with information and example commands for these essential .NET Core commands. By understanding these commands and their usage, you’ll be equipped to create, build, test, and publish your .NET Core projects efficiently.

Start experimenting with these commands to gain hands-on experience and accelerate your journey as a .NET Core developer.

Happy Coding :)



Nuthan Murarysetty

I love sharing things what I know to others and passionate in photography.