How to create and use a image/video as background for zoom using Canva?
As we all know due to pandemic most of us working from home. For communication, Zoom is the app which we use in our day to day work for most of the employees, students they use it for classes and so on…
We take it as one scenario why we need a custom background to use in zoom using Canva.
Scenario: Rajesh got an email from his manager stating that today @ 2:30 PM we have a meeting with our CEO.
Rajesh: As we all know working from home by default our dress code is normal and home is with messy things in background. So, he is become professional look because of its a video meeting but for background he decided to change with any image/animation/video.
He started explore how will change the background image in zoom. Zoom has several built in images/background but Rajesh is not happy with that and he want to use/create by his own. Here the Canva into the picture and started exploring and he likes the platform and decided to register and start creating what he wants,
- Signup to if you haven’t register or Login using existing credentials.
- Search with a keyword called “Zoom” and you will see an option called “Zoom Virtual background”
3. Here the list of several medias like image and videos.
4. Pick any of your image/background and click download button or you can customize like titles, your brand logos or any quotes,…. and then download.
You have a background image/video and it’s time to use/change it in zoom.
Steps to add our own image/background in zoom,
- Once you open ZOOM App click Gear/Settings icon
- It will open like below and select Background & Filters option
3. Click on (+) icon there is an option to add an image/video like below,
4. This will download our media and add it into Virtual Background. Just select it and this will apply as your background.
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— Happy Reading :)